An Introduction to Vim

This post will represent some running notes regarding the use of the Vim editor. Why should you use something as arcane as Vim you ask? Well, sometimes you find yourself on a server or something that doesn’t have any other editors, so you should be know some Vim basics. Plus, it’s fun.

Vim is built on vi, an even more bare-bones editor. At the outset you should know that Vim has two modes, normal or command mode, and edit or insert mode. You add words and stuff in edit mode, and you perform operations like searching, saving, and moving around in normal, or command mode. (I prefer the edit/command terminology.) You can always get into the command mode by hitting ESC.

Continue reading An Introduction to Vim

Creating a Presentation with R

In this post I’ll look at creating a presentation using the R ecosystem. I’ve used beamer before, and I love it, but I haven’t used the knitr R package yet. Incidentally, the creator of knitr, Yihui Xie, does not like beamer. This is fine, I have been wrong about technology before–I recall thinking in college that facebook was for losers and that it would never catch on. Anyway, Yihui’s work is really impressive and I strongly suggest checking it out.

Continue reading Creating a Presentation with R

Updating R from the Command Line

This is a tiny post, but if I lumped it as an aside into a longer post I might never find it again. If you’re trying to keep up with Hadley Wickham you might need to update R from time to time. The installr package is there to help you keep up with the Wickhams. To update R, just follow the following steps:


For further infromation, check out this r-statistics post on the topic.

Getting Started with MongoDB and Python

In this post I’ll walk through getting started with MongoDB using the Python PyMongo module. I’ll go through the installation process, and then walk through an example of entering data into a MongoDB through Python. (In a future post I’ll cover querying documents.) For the installation, I’ll assume that you’re running Ubuntu, but there are instructions for all major operating systems on the link that I have provided.

Continue reading Getting Started with MongoDB and Python