Poisson Disk Sampling

I’ve borrowed (stolen) code from this iPython Notebook hosted on GitHub from the PyData NYC 2014 conference. I didn’t like the local call in the original code, so I made it object oriented. (Full disclosure: I’d never seen the local keyword before, so I stuck with the devil I knew.) I also wanted syntax reminiscent of scipy.stats, so I added a .rvs() method from extracting a sample from the Poisson disk object.

You should be able to use this guy as,

obj = pds( 10, 10, 1, 10 )
sample1 = obj.rvs()
sample2 = obj.rvs()

Here is the complete code:

import scipy
from random import random

class pds:

    def __init__( self, w, h, r, n ):
        # w and h are the width and height of the field
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        # n is the number of test points
        self.n = n
        self.r2 = r**2.0
        self.A = 3.0*self.r2
        # cs is the cell size
        self.cs = r / scipy.sqrt(2)
        # gw and gh are the number of grid cells
        self.gw = int( scipy.ceil( self.w/self.cs ) )
        self.gh = int( scipy.ceil( self.h/self.cs ) )
        # create a grid and a queue
        self.grid = [ None ] * self.gw * self.gh 
        self.queue = list()
        # set the queue size and sample size to zero
        self.qs, self.ss = 0, 0

    def distance( self, x, y ):
        # find where (x,y) sits in the grid
        x_idx = int( x/self.cs )
        y_idx = int( y/self.cs )
        # determine a neighborhood of cells around (x,y)
        x0 = max( x_idx-2, 0 )
        y0 = max( y_idx-2, 0 )
        x1 = max( x_idx-3, self.gw )
        y1 = max( y_idx-3, self.gh )
        # search around (x,y)
        for y_idx in range( y0, y1 ):
            for x_idx in range( x0, x1 ):
                step = y_idx*self.gw + x_idx
                # if the sample point exists on the grid
                if self.grid[ step ]:
                    s = self.grid[ step ]
                    dx = ( s[0] - x )**2.0
                    dy = ( s[1] - y )**2.0
                    # and it is too close 
                    if dx + dy < self.r2:
                        # then barf
                        return False
        return True

    def set_point( self, x, y ):
        s = [ x, y ]
        self.queue.append( s )
        # find where (x,y) sits in the grid
        x_idx = int( x/self.cs )
        y_idx = int( y/self.cs )
        step = self.gw*y_idx + x_idx
        self.grid[ step ] = s
        self.qs += 1
        self.ss += 1
        return s

    def rvs( self ):
        if self.ss == 0:
            x = random() * self.w
            y = random() * self.h
            self.set_point( x, y )
        while self.qs:
            x_idx = int( random() * self.qs )
            s = self.queue[ x_idx ]
            for y_idx in range( self.n ):
                a = 2 * scipy.pi * random()
                b = scipy.sqrt( self.A * random() + self.r2 )
                x = s[0] + b*scipy.cos( a )
                y = s[1] + b*scipy.sin( a )
                if( x >= 0 )and( x < self.w ):
                    if( y >= 0 )and( y < self.h ):
                        if( self.distance( x, y ) ):
                            self.set_point( x, y )
            del self.queue[x_idx]
            self.qs -= 1
        sample = list( filter( None, self.grid ) )
        sample = scipy.asfarray( sample )
        return sample

4 thoughts on “Poisson Disk Sampling”

  1. Hi Connor,
    A friend of mine and I we’d like to use your code for our own project. Is it OK to for you that we would publish it under GPLv2 or later (of course with a reference to your authorship)?

    Best regards

    1. I didn’t create anything new with the Poisson Disk Sampling code, so there’s no need for a license. What are you guys working on?

      Best regards,


  2. Hi Connor we’re working on an optical raytracer in Python where lightrays are propagated through a system of optical components. The Poisson Disk sampling itself would be very useful for the ray sampling distribution at the surface stop.

    Best regards

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