In this post I’ll provide some code for a general tree data structure in Javascript. I found a lot of packages on npm that provided binary trees, red-black trees, and tries [sic], but nothing that provided a general tree data structure. As with most implementations of data structures that I’ve seen, this implementation defines a Node object, and the large scale structure that we’re interested in, a Tree object. The Node object knows about other Node objects, specifically it’s parent and children. The Tree object is responsible for connecting these nodes in a tree structure. We could use a very, very similar Node object to build a different kind of tree, or a linked list, or a stack, or whatever.
The Node Object
Here, our Node object is initialized with its data and parent. It knows how to add a new child, and report whether or not it is root.
var Node = function( data, parent ) { = data || null this.parent = parent || null this.children = [] } Node.prototype.add_child = function( data ) { this.children.push( new Node( data, ) ) } Node.prototype.is_root = function() { if( this.parent == null ) { return true } else { return false } }
The Tree Object
The tree object is able to use its Tree::add_path()
method to add a new branch of nodes using a space-delimited path. This method uses the Node::add_child()
method internally.
var Tree = function() { this.root = new Node() } Tree.prototype.add_path = function( path ) { var ptr = this.root var parts = path.split(' ') for( var i=0 ; i < parts.length ; i++ ) { if( == parts[i] ) { next = _.filter( ptr.children, function( child ) { if( == parts[i+1] ) { return true } else { return false } }) if( next.length == 1 ) { ptr = next.shift() } } else { ptr.add_child( parts[i] ) ptr = _.last( ptr.children ) } } }