Recently I needed a secure way to protect a service with a passphrase. I settled on the solution of using passlib
verify that password, and learned along the way the important lesson of never trying to roll your own cryptographic code.
With passlib
, we can generate hashes for a password, and then verify that password later. Simply create a hash in an interactive session, and then verify user provided passwords in your code using the hash you created interactively. For example, suppose our password is “zanzibar”. We’ll open a terminal and create two hashes
from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt password = "zanzibar" hash1 = sha256_crypt.encrypt( password ) hash2 = sha256_crypt.encrypt( password ) print hash1 print hash2
Note that we can use either of these hashes to verify our password later.
Next, in our code we can verify a password in the following manner,
import getpass from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt hash = "$5$rounds=110000$9RA0tPppiXaVQvN7$I79L17glplJGgc1.cm2I.NqTBLZbChN.dfFsSSWeNaA" pass = getpass.getpass("Please enter the secret password: ") if sha256_crypt.verify( pass, hash ): print("Everything worked!") else: print("Try again :(")
This way you can distribute your code and your passwords separately without anyone using grep
and/or hexdump
to sniff out sensitive information in your code.